Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The three little words that everyone wants to hear...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

KaliDas Lives

You came to me on borrowed wings
Who taught you how to fly?
Drifting in my open window,
You held me as I cried.

Your eyes aglow
Your gaze so knowing
Your boundless happiness was showing.

A happy tear upon your face
Presence surrounding me with grace
A moonbeam danced across the floor
As you glided to the door.

You waved to me
Ascending high
You said I love you
Told me not to cry.

I looked about the lights of gold
On my heart you had tight hold
I laughed through tears, I blew a kiss

You caught it, at that point I knew
The honor that you gave
One last glimpse, for me, of you.

Your angelic face within my dreams
Your love, it fills my being
The voice is yours, inside my head
It is through your eyes I am seeing.

"I realized that life is truly amazing," says Kalidas. "I realized that the quality of my life is determined by how I choose to live it. In Northern Lights we say that 'as long as your heart is beating, you're alive and you have choices.' That is the simplest of truths."

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

girls girls girls

I was raised by my sisters
Long after birth
If I went astray
They herded me in
Protected by their warmth
Goddesses are they
And will be until
They are leaving this plane
An impenetrable female force
Rising upward
Beloved are we
Someone’s promise
Someone’s hopes

Sunday, August 5, 2012

be virtuous

Patience takes practice, and practice makes perfect.
Being patient is one of the most difficult challenges in my life. There are things for which my patience is endless, like the elderly and children. Other things seeking my patience may have to take a back seat! I realized yesterday that as I am getting older...I am losing some level of patience for the following things:
1. people driving slower than the speed limit
2. people who talk on their cell phones while driving
3. indecisiveness
4. my husband putting coffee grounds in the sink, balling wet towels up, leaving cabinet doors open, leaving bottle caps and empty beer bottles on the counter 5 feet from the recycle bin...
I could go on forever on this one! :)

My point is patience is a virtue, and I am trying to remember to be virtuous!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Steel Magnolias

When your heart is aching and it seems that there are no answers to the questions at hand...remember that you are not very unlike the magnolia that blooms from the mighty Magnolia  tree.

As the flower, you seem delicate and paper-thin, worn down from your worry, but as you look around you can see you are lifted and supported by the strong branches that are woven beneath you.

It is there, in that precise moment, you gather your strength, and you take the first step towards the new you!